Tuesday 29th April 2014

A team from ‘Fischy Music’ will be descending on St Bartholomew’s tomorrow to lead the children in a bullying-awareness day. The morning will involve the children receiving input in their stage-groups of P1-3, P4 & 5 and P6 & 7 then the whole school will come together in the afternoon for a special concert. As intimated in the slip that went home yesterday, all parents and carers are invited to attend the afternoon concert. This will begin at 1.30pm and last for around an hour.

Due to a clash of events, we have had to reschedule Sports Day. Sports Day will now take place (weather permitting) on the afternoon of Wednesday 11th June. Apologies for the change of date.

Mrs McBride and Mrs Dolan spent yesterday afternoon putting some finishing touches to the hall in preparation for our school show. Our multi-coloured stage is all set for the opening night! Make sure you pick up a ticket from the office!

The stage is set!

Today’s ‘Joseph’ display was produced by our very creative Primary 4/3 pupils.

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