Wednesday 23rd April 2014

Primary 4/3 are off on a trip to Summerlee today. Have a super day, boys and girls. Best St Bart’s manners and behaviour, please!

This year’s whole-school photograph was delivered yesterday and now has pride of place in the foyer. The boys and girls look very smart indeed in their white shirts and school ties… and their fantastic smiles add the finishing touch! Please take the opportunity to look at the photograph next time you visit the school.

Our school show, ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ is now just over a week away. Each class has produced a fantastic wall display for the main entrance area which, together, tell the story of Joseph from the book of Genesis. You will, of course, have the opportunity to see our ‘Joseph Gallery’ when you come to see the show. However, as a little taster, one class’s display will be posted on the blog each day between now and the day of our closing performance. Today’s beautiful display was produced by the pupils of Primary 6.

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