Thursday 27th March 2014

Parents’ Evening takes place from 3.15pm onwards today. This is a valuable opportunity for parents and carers to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their progress and have a look at some of their work. P1-7 consultations will take place in the hall, with nursery meetings being held in the Music Room. All parents and carers (including those of nursery children) should enter and exit via the main front door.

As always, those pupils who are not sitting in on the consultation should proceed straight to the ‘Cinema Area’ and remain on the benches until their parents collect them. However, ALL PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN MUST REMAIN WITH THEIR PARENTS AT ALL TIMES. Thank you.

Please remember that the Book Fayre will be open this evening, with a wide selection of books for all ages. There will also be a stall selling items for Mother’s Day (proceeds to Parent Council funds) as well as a raffle in aid of the P7 York trip.

Finally, as I fast approach the end of my second year at St Bartholomew’s, parents and carers will be asked to fill in a very short evaluation this evening. This will have two simple boxes: KEEP DOING THIS! and HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT THIS? Your views and suggestions are very important to us, so please take the opportunity to fill in a sheet when you arrive at the school this evening. Thanks for your help.

Wednesday 26th March 2014

Our weekly prayer service takes place in the oratory this morning at 8.45am. This is always a peaceful and positive way to start the day. It’s been good to see so many pupils taking the opportunity for some quiet prayer in the oratory before school each morning during Lent.

There was a real buzz of excitement in the Music Room last night as P7 pupils and their parents/carers heard about all the exciting activities planned for the York and Kilbowie trips next term. Please can I ask that consent forms are handed into the office as soon as possible. Thank you.

Finally, the P4/5 toilets open today. The Parent Council had a sneak preview last night and were very impressed indeed at the quality of the finish. The boys and girls have been waiting patiently for almost a month, so I’m sure they’re looking forward to the grand opening this morning!