Tuesday 18th March 2014

We pray for our Primary 3 pupils today as they receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. The children, under the guidance of Mrs Deeney, have been preparing for their First Reconciliation for a number of months now and the liturgy will take place in St Bartholomew’s Church this evening at 7 o’clock. We ask God to bless the boys and girls on this special day.

Although they did not return with the winning trophy, our netball team did St Bartholomew’s proud at yesterday’s finals. Their excellent behaviour, enthusiasm and team spirit did not go unnoticed and one of our pupils (as you can see from the photograph below) was chosen as the overall ‘player of the day’. Well done, boys and girls!

Monday 17th March 2014

A very happy St Patrick’s Day to everyone, especially those many individuals from our school and parish community who have Irish connections.

Our netball team will be heading off to the finals this morning with Mrs McBride. Good luck, everyone!

Our rehearsals for ‘Joseph’ intensify this week and P4-7 will begin the day with a song practice. Please remember to put Thursday 1st May in your diary. Tickets will go on sale next week.

Primary 3 will be decanted to the library this morning as the workmen fit the new timber cupboards in their classroom. This is the last room to be done for the time being and we’re looking forward to things getting back to normal around the school for a few months. However, the boys and girls have taken the noise and disruption in their stride and haven’t allowed it to affect their work or behaviour at all – well done everyone!

Finally, I leave you with some of St Patrick’s own words, the Scottish saint who devoted his life to bringing the Christian faith to Ireland:

“I pray to God to give me perseverance and allow me to be a faithful witness to Him to the end of my life.” (St Patrick)

St Patrick, pray for us.