Thursday 13th March 2014

It’s the final day of this year’s Personalisation & Choice modules. The boys and girls have had a fantastic time getting stuck into their various activities and I’ve loved watching all the enthusiastic faces head off around the school each Thursday afternoon. I can’t wait to find out from the Crime Solving Team who stole the Cool Class Cup and get it back in the trophy cabinet before the end of today!

I popped into the hall yesterday afternoon to watch the dance routine Primary 6 have been working on with pupils from Buchanan High School. It was utterly mesmerising and I was absolutely blown away by the talent of our children. All that hard work is really beginning to pay off, boys and girls. Well done, Primary 6!

What an amazing sight out of my office window yesterday afternoon: a marching cohort of Roman soldiers, complete with shields! Check out Primary 5’s class page to find out more!

Finally, Father Doherty will be in St Bartholomew’s this morning to celebrate Mass in the oratory with Primary 5. Primary 6 and 7 pupils really appreciated the opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist in this intimate setting and I’m sure today’s Mass will be equally special and memorable for our Primary 5s.