Wednesday 12th March 2014

We were absolutely delighted to receive a donation of £80 from the St Bartholomew’s Music Club yesterday. This was raised through the recent Starr Awards event and couldn’t have arrived in our office at a more perfect time. Our talented netball team have managed to get through to the finals this coming Monday and we were wondering where we were going to find the money to pay for the bus. Well, it looks as if someone up there was looking out for us and sent Dennis Fallon along at just the right time! Many thanks to the music club for their generous gift.

I combined the separate Power Point slides of all the songs from ‘Joseph’ yesterday and got a bit of shock – 105 slides in total! However, P4-7 only have a couple more songs to learn and are doing great. We have a song rehearsal this morning and I’m sure the children will be in fine voice!

Mrs Laird will be back in school this morning to do some home baking with P6 in preparation for their class assembly on Friday. I caught a sneak preview of the assembly yesterday afternoon and it’s looking and sounding great! Keep up the super work, boys and girls.

As you know, Catholic Education Week took place at the end of last month and we had various events across the school. This year’s theme was ‘Shining the Light of Faith’ and as part of our celebrations, every pupil in the school designed a candle. These have been displayed outside the Get Together Room and look absolutely fantastic. Many thanks to Mrs O’Neill and the Prayer Group for organising this and well done boys and girls for coming up with such creative designs!

Tuesday 11th March 2014

Contractors are making excellent progress on work across the school. The new timber cupboards have now been fitted in all P4-7 classrooms and work will begin in Primary 1 today. The new toilets outside P4/3 are almost complete and they really are looking fantastic. We’ve definitely been given the 5-star treatment!

I will be meeting with Council representatives this morning for further discussions on arrangements for re-wiring the school. This work is scheduled to begin at the end of June and will also involve the corridor ceilings being replaced. Having seen the new ceilings in the P4/3 toilets, I can guarantee this work will absolutely transform the interior of our school!