Friday 7th March 2014

There are probably not too many of you who are aware that three of our Primary 5 pupils are learning to play the bagpipes. The children receive lessons on a Friday morning form Mr McGowan and are making great progress. As is always the case when learning the bagpipes, the children have started off on the chanter. However, I look forward to seeing (and hearing!) them move onto actual bagpipes as they progress through the school. Keep up the good work, boys and girls!

It’s our whole-school assembly this morning. Look out for our Pupils of the Week and trophy winners on the website later today.

Next Friday is Primary 6’s class assembly. The boys and girls are busy practising and I look forward to seeing P6 parents, carers, family and friends a week today. As usual, the children will be doing some home-baking on Wednesday for their special event. You’re in for a treat!