Monday 3rd March 2014

I was privileged to receive a ‘Starr Award’ on Friday evening from Elaine Smith, MP, at an event in St Bartholomew’s Church Hall. I very much appreciate this recognition from the local community. However, as I received the award, I was very conscious of the fact that everything achieved in St Bartholomew’s over the past year and a half has been a real team effort; I couldn’t have done it on my own. So, although my name appears on the certificate, I would like to acknowledge the unwavering dedication and hard work of the whole St Bartholomew’s school community – pupils, staff, parents and parishioners – and thank all of you for your enthusiasm and commitment to our fantastic school. I’ll pop the trophy in the display cabinet this morning… because it belongs to us all!

Many congratulations to St Bartholomew’s Nursery Class who received a Starr Award of their own in recognition of the fantastic start they give to pre-school children in the Townhead area. Well done to the nursery team!

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