Thursday 27th February 2014

As part of our Catholic Education Week events, we welcome Mark Booker from SCIAF to St Bartholomew’s today. Mark is the charity’s Schools Officer and will be working with our Primary 5 pupils this afternoon.

A huge thank you to Mr Joe Bannan, a St Bartholomew’s parishioner and grandfather of one of our P4 pupils, for making yesterday’s Eucharistic Adoration possible. There was an amazing sense of peace and stillness in the oratory and many of the boys and girls told me afterwards how much they appreciated the experience. Thank you, Joe, for giving so generously of your time. It is very much appreciated.

It’s been a busy, busy week, but I’m definitely going to find a space in my day to have ‘Tea with Mr Young’ for last week’s Pupil of the Week winners. Paul from P3 turned up on Monday afternoon and has been waiting patiently ever since. Well, today’s the day, Paul!

(A joke for the grown-ups!)