Monday 24th February 2014


There was a wonderful atmosphere in St Bartholomew’s Church yesterday for the annual Education Sunday Mass. It was particularly encouraging to see so many pupils there, from our youngest P1 boys and girls to our oldest children in P7. A huge thank you to the many pupils who made a special contribution to yesterday’s Mass – those who greeted people at the door, sang and led the bidding prayers. You did St Bartholomew’s proud!

I had the privilege of being able to speak during yesterday’s Mass. The full text of the Head Teacher’s address will be posted in the Faith section of our website. However, I thought it would be appropriate to post the closing two paragraphs in today’s blog:

‘Catholic Education is about partnership: the three dimensions of home, school and parish working together to ensure the very best for our pupils. On this Education Sunday, I would like to take the opportunity to thank those numerous individuals who support the work of St Bartholomew’s in so many ways and who faithfully pass on the faith to our children. To the staff: thank you for your dedication, hard work and for your genuine personal faith. I’m so fortunate to lead such a talented and committed team. To our parents and carers: thank you for coming today to show your commitment to Catholic education and for your ongoing support of all that we do in St Bartholomew’s. To the parish: I couldn’t have hoped for a more supportive group of people. Your interest, your encouragement, your practical support and your prayers mean a great deal. To Father Doherty: thank you for all you do for our school. The Masses you celebrate with our school community are always very special and we greatly appreciate your pastoral care. Thank you to all of you for shining the light of faith and for passing this on to our pupils.

However, my biggest vote of thanks goes to the pupils of St Bartholomew’s. Although we work hard to pass on the faith to you, you are the ones who inspire our faith and keep it alive. You are the ones who give us hope for the future of this parish and confidence that St Bartholomew’s Primary School will continue to go from strength to strength.’