Friday 21st February 2014

There was a wonderful atmosphere in St Bartholomew’s Church last night as our P6 and 7 pupils received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thank you, boys and girls, for the reverence and respect you showed throughout the Mass. Everyone was so proud of you. Many thanks too to family, friends and staff who came to support the children; it was fantastic to see a packed church. Of course, special thanks go to Mr Hughes and Mrs McFarlane for preparing the children for their Confirmation and to Fr Doherty for administering the sacrament in the bishop’s absence.

Primary 2 have their class assembly this afternoon. The boys and girls have been practising hard and I very much look forward to welcoming parents, carers, family and friends to the children’s special presentation. The assembly begins at 1.30pm in the school hall and guests are also invited to the P2 classroom for tea and cake afterwards.

Please remember that this coming Sunday marks the beginning of Catholic Education Week and that all pupils, parents, carers and friends of the school are invited to the 12 noon Mass in St Bartholomew’s Church. Our polite, talented pupils will be greeting people at the door, doing the bidding prayers and leading the singing. It’s sure to be a very special celebration of the Eucharist, so please join us if you possibly can as we give thanks for the important role Catholic Schools play in our communities. See you on Sunday!