Monday 17th February 2014

Primary 6 and 7 pupils will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this coming Thursday. Please remember the boys and girls in your prayers in these final days of preparation.

This coming Sunday, 23rd February, is Education Sunday and marks the beginning of Catholic Education Week. The school will play a lead role in the main 12 o’clock Sunday Mass at St Bartholomew’s Church. This annual Mass is a wonderful opportunity for our school and parish communities to come together to celebrate our faith and reaffirm our commitment to work in partnership. ALL PUPILS, STAFF, PARENTS, CARERS AND FRIENDS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THIS SPECIAL MASS ON SUNDAY. There was a wonderful atmosphere last year and it would be absolutely fantastic to have even more St Bartholomew’s uniforms filling the church for Education Sunday 2014. Let’s aim for a packed church and lift the roof with our legendary singing! See you on Sunday!