Thursday 6th February 2014

Primary 5 are off to Motherwell Heritage Centre this morning as part of their class topic on the Romans. The boys and girls have produced some fantastic art work linked to their Romans topic and it’s fantastic to see them so enthusiastic about this fascinating era of history. Have a great time in Motherwell, Primary 5!

Mrs McFarlane has scheduled in the first round of auditions for ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ this afternoon. St Bart’s is absolutely bursting with talent, so it’s sure to be an exciting afternoon as the children try out for the show.

The Valentine Disco, organised by the Parent Council, takes place a week today (Thursday 13th February) and tickets are now available from the office. Please remember that the school is closed to pupils on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, so there are only three school days left to grab a ticket. The Halloween Disco was a great success back in October and I’m sure the boys and girls will have an equally fun time next Thursday.