Friday 28th February 2014

Catholic Education Week draws to a close today. It really has been a special few days and everyone – pupils, staff, parents and parishioners – will have their own particular memories. To bring this year’s Catholic Education Week to a conclusion, Mr Lynch has cleared the chairs from the oratory and each class has set aside some time to pray the Stations of the Cross using the new images which were added to the oratory during its recent refurbishment (see below). Primary 1-3 prayed the stations yesterday and Primary 4-7 will visit the oratory during the course of this morning.

Our Personalisation & Choice modules continue this afternoon, including the ongoing crime-solving investigation into who stole the Cool Class Cup (!!!), some fantastic clay-modelling and jewellery-making, and lots of opportunities to keep fit across the school. A great way to spend a Friday afternoon!

Thursday 27th February 2014

As part of our Catholic Education Week events, we welcome Mark Booker from SCIAF to St Bartholomew’s today. Mark is the charity’s Schools Officer and will be working with our Primary 5 pupils this afternoon.

A huge thank you to Mr Joe Bannan, a St Bartholomew’s parishioner and grandfather of one of our P4 pupils, for making yesterday’s Eucharistic Adoration possible. There was an amazing sense of peace and stillness in the oratory and many of the boys and girls told me afterwards how much they appreciated the experience. Thank you, Joe, for giving so generously of your time. It is very much appreciated.

It’s been a busy, busy week, but I’m definitely going to find a space in my day to have ‘Tea with Mr Young’ for last week’s Pupil of the Week winners. Paul from P3 turned up on Monday afternoon and has been waiting patiently ever since. Well, today’s the day, Paul!

(A joke for the grown-ups!)

Wednesday 26th February 2014

Many, many thanks to Father Paul Francis for his input to St Bartholomew’s school community yesterday afternoon. Primary 6 and 7 thoroughly enjoyed their question and answer session with him and staff greatly appreciated the opportunity to have some quiet reflection time and celebrate Mass at the end of the school day. It really was a perfect addition to this year’s Catholic Education Week.

Our Catholic Education Week events continue this afternoon with a short time of Eucharistic Adoration for Primary 4-7 pupils in the school oratory. This will take the form of a 15min prayer service for each class, providing the boys and girls with some quiet time away from the usual hustle and bustle of the school day.

Primary 7 will spend the first part of the afternoon down at St Ambrose High School for their Fairtrade Coffee Afternoon. As well as giving the children the opportunity to support this worthwhile cause, it will also allow the boys and girls to become familiar with their new school and get to know some of their new teachers.

Once again, we welcome pupils from Buchanan High School to St Bartholomew’s this afternoon. They’ll be joining Primary 6 in the hall to continue working on their special dance project. It’s beginning to look very impressive, indeed!

Tuesday 25th February 2014

The Parent Council meets in the staffroom this evening at 6.00pm. Please remember that comments and suggestions for discussion at their monthly meetings can be emailed to the Parent Council.

We welcome Father Paul Francis Spencer to St Bartholomew’s today. Originally from Glasgow, Fr Paul Francis is the Vocations Director for the Passionists* and is currently based in Dublin. He will be doing some work with Primary 6 and 7 pupils this afternoon and will then lead a ‘retreat’ and celebrate Mass with staff at the end of the school day.

*The Passionists are a global order of priests, brothers, nuns, sisters and lay people who have a special emphasis on the passion (the suffering and death) of Jesus. This inspires them to share God’s love and compassion with others, especially those who are poor and neglected. Founded in 1741 by St Paul of the Cross, the Passionists continue to work in 59 countries throughout the world. The closest Passionist community to Townhead is St Mungo’s Church in Glasgow.

A very warm welcome to Father Paul Francis!

Monday 24th February 2014


There was a wonderful atmosphere in St Bartholomew’s Church yesterday for the annual Education Sunday Mass. It was particularly encouraging to see so many pupils there, from our youngest P1 boys and girls to our oldest children in P7. A huge thank you to the many pupils who made a special contribution to yesterday’s Mass – those who greeted people at the door, sang and led the bidding prayers. You did St Bartholomew’s proud!

I had the privilege of being able to speak during yesterday’s Mass. The full text of the Head Teacher’s address will be posted in the Faith section of our website. However, I thought it would be appropriate to post the closing two paragraphs in today’s blog:

‘Catholic Education is about partnership: the three dimensions of home, school and parish working together to ensure the very best for our pupils. On this Education Sunday, I would like to take the opportunity to thank those numerous individuals who support the work of St Bartholomew’s in so many ways and who faithfully pass on the faith to our children. To the staff: thank you for your dedication, hard work and for your genuine personal faith. I’m so fortunate to lead such a talented and committed team. To our parents and carers: thank you for coming today to show your commitment to Catholic education and for your ongoing support of all that we do in St Bartholomew’s. To the parish: I couldn’t have hoped for a more supportive group of people. Your interest, your encouragement, your practical support and your prayers mean a great deal. To Father Doherty: thank you for all you do for our school. The Masses you celebrate with our school community are always very special and we greatly appreciate your pastoral care. Thank you to all of you for shining the light of faith and for passing this on to our pupils.

However, my biggest vote of thanks goes to the pupils of St Bartholomew’s. Although we work hard to pass on the faith to you, you are the ones who inspire our faith and keep it alive. You are the ones who give us hope for the future of this parish and confidence that St Bartholomew’s Primary School will continue to go from strength to strength.’

Friday 21st February 2014

There was a wonderful atmosphere in St Bartholomew’s Church last night as our P6 and 7 pupils received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thank you, boys and girls, for the reverence and respect you showed throughout the Mass. Everyone was so proud of you. Many thanks too to family, friends and staff who came to support the children; it was fantastic to see a packed church. Of course, special thanks go to Mr Hughes and Mrs McFarlane for preparing the children for their Confirmation and to Fr Doherty for administering the sacrament in the bishop’s absence.

Primary 2 have their class assembly this afternoon. The boys and girls have been practising hard and I very much look forward to welcoming parents, carers, family and friends to the children’s special presentation. The assembly begins at 1.30pm in the school hall and guests are also invited to the P2 classroom for tea and cake afterwards.

Please remember that this coming Sunday marks the beginning of Catholic Education Week and that all pupils, parents, carers and friends of the school are invited to the 12 noon Mass in St Bartholomew’s Church. Our polite, talented pupils will be greeting people at the door, doing the bidding prayers and leading the singing. It’s sure to be a very special celebration of the Eucharist, so please join us if you possibly can as we give thanks for the important role Catholic Schools play in our communities. See you on Sunday!

Thursday 20th February 2014

The big day has finally arrived for our Primary 6 and 7 pupils. The children will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during Mass in St Bartholomew’s Church this evening. You are very much in our prayers today, boys and girls. May God bless you on this special day!

It was a hive of activity both inside and outside the Primary 4/3 classroom yesterday. The old toilets have been ripped out and the empty shell is just about ready for its transformation. Inside the classroom, the tin lockers have been removed and the alcoves are being prepared for their beautiful new timber cupboards. It’s all very exciting!

I spent a bit of time in Primary 3 yesterday. The children wrote some questions and interviewed me about being a Head Teacher. It was an absolute pleasure being in amongst such attentive and enthusiastic children. Well done, boys and girls… I was very impressed, indeed! Hope I didn’t blether on for too long 😉

Wednesday 19th February 2014

An invitation to this year’s Education Mass will go out to all parents and carers today. The Mass takes place in St Bartholomew’s Church this coming Sunday (23rd February) at 12 noon. Our fantastic pupils will be playing a lead role in the Mass, including greeting people at the door, reading the bidding prayers and, of course, leading the music. Please pop your invitation on the fridge door and join us for Sunday’s Mass if you possibly can.

A leaflet from the Parent Council will also be sent out today giving details of their new email address. This will allow parents and carers to email comments, concerns and ideas they’d like to be included in Parent Council meetings, which take place once a month. I would encourage parents and carers to take advantage of this very useful new service.

Tuesday 18th February 2014

Primary 7 are off to Glasgow today. They’ll be visiting the People’s Palace and Kelvingrove Museum as part of their work on World War II. Have a great day, boys and girls.

Work begins today on the refurbishment of the P4/5 toilets. New timber cupboards will also be fitted to classrooms across the school over the coming weeks. Each class will be decanted to the library for one or two days while contractors work in their room. The classrooms are going to look absolutely fantastic after the work!

Primary 2 have their class assembly this coming Friday and invitations have been sent out from the children (including one delivered to my office by Aidan and Brooke yesterday morning!). I look forward to seeing parents, carers, family and friends at 1.30pm on Friday afternoon.

Monday 17th February 2014

Primary 6 and 7 pupils will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation this coming Thursday. Please remember the boys and girls in your prayers in these final days of preparation.

This coming Sunday, 23rd February, is Education Sunday and marks the beginning of Catholic Education Week. The school will play a lead role in the main 12 o’clock Sunday Mass at St Bartholomew’s Church. This annual Mass is a wonderful opportunity for our school and parish communities to come together to celebrate our faith and reaffirm our commitment to work in partnership. ALL PUPILS, STAFF, PARENTS, CARERS AND FRIENDS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THIS SPECIAL MASS ON SUNDAY. There was a wonderful atmosphere last year and it would be absolutely fantastic to have even more St Bartholomew’s uniforms filling the church for Education Sunday 2014. Let’s aim for a packed church and lift the roof with our legendary singing! See you on Sunday!