Tuesday 28th January 2014

Every class in the school will have the opportunity to find out about the PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) this morning. The PDSA is the UK’s leading veterinary charity, caring for the pets of people in need. This year alone, the PDSA will provide more than 2.3 million free treatments to sick and injured pets and more than 420,000 preventative treatments. St Bartholomew’s pupils are renowned for the support they give to good causes and I’m sure many of our pupils (in the spirit of Saint Francis, patron saint of animals) will be inspired by the fantastic work of the PDSA. The children will have the chance to buy some small pieces of PDSA merchandise, with all proceeds going directly to the charity. Any pupil wishing to buy something today should bring in £1, or £2 at the most.

Please remember that the Parent Council meets tonight at 6.00pm. The meeting will take place in the staffroom; please enter the school via the back door on Deveron Street.