Monday 27th January 2014

It’s hard to believe that we are embarking on the fourth week of term. Time flies when you’re having fun!

The children’s new class topics are well underway and there’s a great working buzz around the school. Primary 3 had an absolutely fantastic day at Summerlee Museum on Friday and learned lots of new things about their hometown of Coatbridge. Primary 4/3’s topic this term is the human body and they’ll be heading off to Glasgow Science Centre this coming Thursday for what’s sure to be a very exciting and fascinating trip.

Finally, a HUGE well done to Primary 7 for your fantastic assembly on World War II on Friday. Your PowerPoint presentation was fascinating, your film was extremely impressive, your singing was very entertaining and your home-baking afterwards was delicious! Well done, boys and girls… you did yourselves proud!

One thought on “Monday 27th January 2014”

  1. Had a brilliant afternoon with the p7 ww2 project songs where great loads of information to well done to them all!

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