Friday 24th January 2014

Primary 3 are off to Summerlee Heritage Museum today. The children have been learning about Coatbridge in class, so Summerlee is the perfect destination to find out lots more about the history of their hometown. Have a great day, boys and girls… Best behaviour and manners, please!

A new Parent Council section has been launched on our school website today and can be accessed by clicking on ‘Information’ at the top of the homepage. This section will be updated regularly to keep the Parent Forum (all St Bartholomew’s parents and carers) informed of what the Parent Council is doing to support and improve St Bartholomew’s Primary. A leaflet on the Parent Council will also be put in every school bag today, so please check your child’s bag at 3 o’clock. The next meeting of the Parent Council takes place this coming Tuesday (28th) at 6.00pm in the staffroom. Please get involved if you possibly can.

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, Primary 7 have their class assembly this afternoon at 1.30pm. I look forward to seeing the children’s family and friends for what is sure to be a very entertaining and enjoyable afternoon!