Monday 20th January 2014

Primary 5 will be enjoying a rugby taster session this morning. Have fun, boys and girls!

Our P1 enrolment week was very busy, indeed. Although it will take a few days before we know exact numbers, it’s currently looking as if almost 40 boys and girls will be starting P1 in St Bartholomew’s this coming August. Fantastic to see the school roll on the up!

Primary 7 are now only five days away from their class assembly, which takes place this coming Friday at 1.30pm. The boys and girls have been working hard over the past few weeks and are very excited about welcoming their family and friends to Friday’s assembly. Of course, there’s one very important task to do before Friday arrives: the home-baking still needs to be done! Many thanks in advance to Mrs Laird who will be working with the children on Wednesday to prepare food for the after-assembly reception.