Friday 17th January 2014

I took the opportunity yesterday to find out the Confirmation names some of our Primary 6 and 7 pupils have chosen. A huge range of saints have been selected, from the popular to the largely unknown. The Mass at which the children will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation is just over a month away, so please remember the boys and girls in your prayers in the coming weeks.

Today is the final day for Primary 1 enrolments. Mrs Smillie and Mrs Clare will be on hand to assist with paperwork from 1.30pm onwards.

Finally, I read a quotation from Pope Francis last night. Food for thought for us all:

‘The Lord is knocking at the door of our hearts. Have we put a sign on the door saying, ‘Do not disturb’? ‘

Have a good day, everyone, and a relaxing weekend once it arrives.

Thursday 16th January 2014

Primary 6 continued their work with Chinan, our professional dance coach, yesterday. Once again, I was extremely impressed with the children’s concentration and commitment – they achieved a phenomenal amount over the two hours. As mentioned in last week’s blog, the children will work alongside pupils from Buchanan High School later in the term and the project will culminate in a large-scale performance in Motherwell Concert Hall in May along with a number of other schools. Well done, Primary 6!

Our whole-school assembly takes place a day early this week, so make sure you check out the website later today to find out our Pupils of the Week and trophy winners.

Finally, I’m delighted to announce some further improvements to the school building. New vinyl flooring will be fitted in the corridor leading round to the music room and also outside the Get Together Room. The oratory will be repainted before the end of this week and the office will be re-carpeted in the coming weeks. Additional signs will also be fitted to the building to help direct visitors to the main entrance. Great news!