Wednesday 15th January 2014

We had a special visitor to St Bartholomew’s yesterday morning. Val Corry, who works for Scottish Government and Education Scotland, had heard so many great things about St Bart’s, she just had to see the school for herself! Scott from P6 and Amy-Leigh from P7 helped show Mrs Corry around and she was extremely impressed by what she saw in every single classroom, from the Nursery to P7. Our phenomenal pupils really caught Mrs Corry’s attention… ‘smart’, ‘friendly’, ‘well behaved’, ‘enthusiastic’, ‘eager to learn’ were just some of the comments Mrs Corry made about them. Our dedicated staff didn’t go unnoticed and also received deservedly high praise. Well done, everyone, for doing St Bartholomew’s proud… not just yesterday morning, but every day of the year. I’m really proud of you!

P1 enrolments continue today, from 1.30pm onwards. We had a steady stream of parents enrolling their children yesterday and it was exciting meeting some of the nursery boys and girls who will be St Bartholomew’s P1 pupils this coming August.

Finally, some GREAT news: I’m delighted to announce that Mrs Brown from our nursery gave birth to a beautiful baby girl yesterday morning. Many congratulations to the proud mum, dad and big sisters! We look forward to seeing you soon.