Monday 13th January 2014

Enrolments for Primary 1 take place this week; exact details will be posted on tomorrow’s blog. I look forward to meeting many of our new Primary 1 parents during the course of the week. Welcome to St Bartholomew’s!

Today, 13th January, is the feast day of an important local saint: St Mungo. St Mungo (or St Kentigern) is, of course, the patron saint of Glasgow.

St Mungo arrived in Glasgow around 540 AD and was consecrated Bishop of Strathclyde. Glasgow’s medieval cathedral is the fourth to be built on the site of Mungo’s original seventh century wooden church and St Mungo’s tomb remains in the crypt of the cathedral to this day. Part of a sermon by St Mungo provided the words of Glasgow’s motto: ‘Let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the Word’.

The photographs below show a statue of the saint in St Mungo’s Church, Glasgow, and the tomb of St Mungo in the crypt of Glasgow Cathedral.

St Mungo, pray for us.

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