Friday 31st January 2014

Primary 4/3 had a fantastic time at the Glasgow Science Centre yesterday. I know Mrs O’Neill and the children are keen blog writers, so make sure you check out their class page later today to read all about their fascinating visit to the Science Centre.

The representative from the PDSA returns to St Bartholomew’s today to sell some small items of merchandise in aid of the charity. Pupils are invited to bring in one or two pounds to spend.

As usual, our whole school assembly takes place today and there’ll be a brand new list of proud certificate and trophy winners posted on our website before 3 o’clock. Lochend were the winning house last month and will receive an extended playtime today as an extra pat on the back for all their efforts. Well done, boys and girls!

Please remember that next week is the last week of school before the February break. Monday 10th, Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th are all holidays for pupils, with school starting back on Thursday 13th.

Thursday 30th January 2014

Primary 4/3 are off to Glasgow Science Centre today. The boys and girls took the time to watch a video about the centre in class yesterday and are all very excited about their special day. The class are absolutely loving their current topic on the human body and there’ll be lots of opportunities today to find out even more about how the body works. Have a fantastic day, boys and girls. Remember that you’re ambassadors for St Bartholomew’s, so absolute best behaviour and manners, please!

Father Doherty will be in school this morning to celebrate Mass with Primary 7 in our newly refurbished oratory. The children will be doing the readings and have also written their own bidding prayers. Primary 6 found their class Mass last term a very special experience; I’m sure that today’s celebration of the Eucharist will be equally special and memorable for our Primary 7 pupils.

Wednesday 29th January 2014

Wednesday already! Despite a busy schedule today, I’m still going to find time to squeeze in ‘Tea with Mr Young’ for last week’s Pupils of the Week. They’ve been waiting patiently since Friday, so it’s time to put the kettle on!

The PDSA representative who visited St Bartholomew’s yesterday didn’t bring any merchandise with her after all. However, she will be returning to the school this coming Friday and the children will have the opportunity to buy some goodies in aid of the PDSA.

Primary 6 will continue with their dance coaching this afternoon. This project is a great opportunity for the children to receive input from a professional dancer and the boys and girls are certainly rising to the challenge.

Finally, a text will be sent out to all parents and carers today. In line with North Lanarkshire policy, no dogs are permitted in the playground under any circumstances. Many thanks for your co-operation in this matter.

Have a good day, everyone!

Tuesday 28th January 2014

Every class in the school will have the opportunity to find out about the PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals) this morning. The PDSA is the UK’s leading veterinary charity, caring for the pets of people in need. This year alone, the PDSA will provide more than 2.3 million free treatments to sick and injured pets and more than 420,000 preventative treatments. St Bartholomew’s pupils are renowned for the support they give to good causes and I’m sure many of our pupils (in the spirit of Saint Francis, patron saint of animals) will be inspired by the fantastic work of the PDSA. The children will have the chance to buy some small pieces of PDSA merchandise, with all proceeds going directly to the charity. Any pupil wishing to buy something today should bring in £1, or £2 at the most.

Please remember that the Parent Council meets tonight at 6.00pm. The meeting will take place in the staffroom; please enter the school via the back door on Deveron Street.

Monday 27th January 2014

It’s hard to believe that we are embarking on the fourth week of term. Time flies when you’re having fun!

The children’s new class topics are well underway and there’s a great working buzz around the school. Primary 3 had an absolutely fantastic day at Summerlee Museum on Friday and learned lots of new things about their hometown of Coatbridge. Primary 4/3’s topic this term is the human body and they’ll be heading off to Glasgow Science Centre this coming Thursday for what’s sure to be a very exciting and fascinating trip.

Finally, a HUGE well done to Primary 7 for your fantastic assembly on World War II on Friday. Your PowerPoint presentation was fascinating, your film was extremely impressive, your singing was very entertaining and your home-baking afterwards was delicious! Well done, boys and girls… you did yourselves proud!

Friday 24th January 2014

Primary 3 are off to Summerlee Heritage Museum today. The children have been learning about Coatbridge in class, so Summerlee is the perfect destination to find out lots more about the history of their hometown. Have a great day, boys and girls… Best behaviour and manners, please!

A new Parent Council section has been launched on our school website today and can be accessed by clicking on ‘Information’ at the top of the homepage. This section will be updated regularly to keep the Parent Forum (all St Bartholomew’s parents and carers) informed of what the Parent Council is doing to support and improve St Bartholomew’s Primary. A leaflet on the Parent Council will also be put in every school bag today, so please check your child’s bag at 3 o’clock. The next meeting of the Parent Council takes place this coming Tuesday (28th) at 6.00pm in the staffroom. Please get involved if you possibly can.

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, Primary 7 have their class assembly this afternoon at 1.30pm. I look forward to seeing the children’s family and friends for what is sure to be a very entertaining and enjoyable afternoon!

Thursday 23rd January 2014

I’m very much looking forward to seeing family and friends of our P7 pupils tomorrow afternoon for the P7 class assembly. I know the children are really excited about sharing their recent learning with everyone… although they’ve done an amazing job of keeping everything top secret! Most of the assembly will be as much a surprise for me as it will be for everyone else!

P7 were also responsible for the amazing cooking smells that wafted around the school building yesterday. Under the expert instruction of Mrs Laird, the boys and girls rustled up literally dozens of mini-quiches and cup cakes to serve to their guests tomorrow afternoon.

Mums, dads, family, friends and the St Bartholomew’s school community are in for a real treat tomorrow afternoon! See you at 1.30pm.

Wednesday 22nd January 2014

As always, the weekly prayer service, led by Mrs O’Neill and the Prayer Group Committee, meets in the oratory this morning at 8.45am. This is an important and valued part of our school week, when pupils, staff, parents and parishioners come together to offer their thanks and requests to God.

Those attending this morning’s prayer service are in for a real surprise: the oratory has been completely refurbished over the past week. The room has been painted, a new ‘Last Supper’ altar backdrop hung and beautiful ‘stained glass windows’ fitted. Mrs Dolan has very kindly made cloth banners for the lectern, one for each liturgical season. Over the coming days, more subdued lighting will be added as well as new stations of the cross. The oratory is used on a daily basis by pupils, staff and parishioners and this investment provides St Bartholomew’s with a beautiful and peaceful prayer space which will serve the school community for many years to come.

Many thanks to Mrs Dolan, Mrs McBride and Mr Lynch for the time and care they put into refurbishing our oratory. It is very much appreciated by us all.

Tuesday 21st January 2014

I imagine many P4-7 parents and carers are already beginning to hear a string of new songs being sung around the house… So, it’s probably time we released the news that P4-7 will be staging a performance of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ just before the Easter holidays. The boys and girls have already learned five of the songs (and are sounding fantastic!) and auditions for the various parts will take place next week. It’s no secret how amazingly talented St Bart’s pupils are – the show is guaranteed to be out-of-this-world! Make sure Thursday 3rd April is in your diary!

Monday 20th January 2014

Primary 5 will be enjoying a rugby taster session this morning. Have fun, boys and girls!

Our P1 enrolment week was very busy, indeed. Although it will take a few days before we know exact numbers, it’s currently looking as if almost 40 boys and girls will be starting P1 in St Bartholomew’s this coming August. Fantastic to see the school roll on the up!

Primary 7 are now only five days away from their class assembly, which takes place this coming Friday at 1.30pm. The boys and girls have been working hard over the past few weeks and are very excited about welcoming their family and friends to Friday’s assembly. Of course, there’s one very important task to do before Friday arrives: the home-baking still needs to be done! Many thanks in advance to Mrs Laird who will be working with the children on Wednesday to prepare food for the after-assembly reception.