Thursday 12th December 2013

The children had a fantastic time at the pantomime yesterday afternoon and did St Bartholomew’s proud with their behaviour and enthusiasm. Well done, boys and girls, and many thanks again to Mark Millar for providing the children with this fantastic opportunity to experience the excitement of live theatre. It is VERY much appreciated!
(scroll down for some photographs of our trip to the pantomime).

Today, it’s the turn of the nursery boys and girls to take to the stage for their Christmas concert. The children have been practising hard on their Christmas songs and parents and carers are in for a real treat later today. Performances are at 10.30am and 2pm in the school hall. I look forward to seeing you there.

St Bartholomew’s Church celebrates its 60th Jubilee this evening with a special Mass at 7.00pm. The main celebrant will be Bishop Toal and a choir of St Bartholomew’s pupils will play a lead role in the music. I would encourage as many parents and carers as possible to bring their child along to tonight’s Mass. St Bartholomew’s Primary is an integral part of the local parish and Fr Doherty and many of the parishioners make a huge contribution to the ongoing work of the school. Please join us for tonight’s Mass if you possibly can (there’s tea and a cake in the church hall afterwards too!).

A few pics from yesterday’s trip to the panto:

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