Tuesday 10th December 2013

Our whole-school trip to the pantomime in Glasgow takes place tomorrow. Please remember that all children require a packed lunch and that we will not arrive back in St Bartholomew’s until around 4.30pm. For health and safety reasons, all pupils will leave from the main front entrance once back in school.

I look forward to seeing parents and carers at 1.30pm this afternoon for our infant nativity, ‘It’s a Baby!’ There’s still time to grab a ticket!

I had a couple of questions posted yesterday from one of our parents: the Christmas dinner is next Tuesday (17th); pre-booking is essential. The P6 Christmas party is on Wednesday 18th and the nursery parties are on Thursday 19th (including a visit from Santa!).

Finally, it’s an appeal that every school needs to put out now and again: Please can I remind all parents and carers to check their child’s hair on a regular basis for head lice. Thanks for your help in combatting these persistent visitors!

One thought on “Tuesday 10th December 2013”

  1. A huge big thank-you to one and all, what a performance, what a lot of hard work from pupils and staff, it was just wonderful to be part of the audience.

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