Thursday 5th December 2013

The painting of the front of the school is now complete and the transformation is remarkable. We had two separate visitors to St Bartholomew’s yesterday who both commented that it looked like a new-build! The painters have now started on the back of the building and will also be painting the gable end at the nursery entrance today. Due to the painting, the nursery children will enter via the door into their outdoor play area (just inside the main school gate); there will be signs to direct parents and carers.

Only one more day to go until our special Christmas afternoon. I had a sneak preview yesterday of the gifts the children have made – they are absolutely fantastic and definitely not to be missed! Doors open at 1.30pm, with around half an hour allocated for parents and carers to visit their child’s classroom to buy a Christmas craft. The P4-7 carol concert kicks off at 2.15pm prompt in the hall (£1.50 entry at the door). It’s going to be a great afternoon!

Wednesday 4th December 2013

John Wilson, our school photographer, will be in St Bartholomew’s this morning to take this session’s whole-school photograph. Fasten those top buttons, straighten those ties and practise those smiles!

I will be popping down to St Ambrose High School later in the morning for their annual patronal Mass (St Ambrose Day is this coming Saturday). We are very fortunate to have such a supportive associated secondary school, especially when it’s right on our doorstep. Mrs Douglas leads a fantastic team of staff at St Ambrose and we very much appreciate being able to work so closely with them. They also have a great bunch of pupils and we’re particularly grateful this year for the huge amount of practical help St Bartholomew’s has received from senior pupils working towards their Caritas Award – many thanks to Miss Smith and the Caritas candidates for all your support. So, on this special day in their school year, please take the time to remember Mrs Douglas and the pupils and staff of St Ambrose in your prayers.