Monday 2nd December 2013

All of us were shocked and saddened by the helicopter crash in Glasgow city centre on Friday night. Please can I ask our whole school community to remember those affected by this terrible tragedy during their class prayers today.


We pray for those affected by the tragedy in Glasgow on Friday night.

We remember those who lost their lives so suddenly. We pray for their families, forever changed by grief and loss, and ask you to give them comfort and strength.

Be close to those who were injured. Heal them in body and mind and give them courage to face the days ahead.

Keep us mindful of those in need of our prayers at this difficult time.

We ask this in Jesus’ name.


Hail Mary…

We had a great time celebrating St Andrew’s Day on Friday. Many thanks to each of the classes for their poems and songs – you were all fantastic! Thanks too to the wonderful audience of parents, family and friends at our special assembly and also to the group of St Ambrose pupils who popped up to help us out.

I’m delighted to announce that the coffee afternoon on Friday raised the fantastic sum of £200. This money will go directly to Father Ben in Uganda to pay for Christmas dinner for the children in his parish.

Here are a few photographs from Friday’s St Andrew’s Day celebrations:

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