Friday 22nd November 2013

We welcome Sister Maria Goretti from The Society of the Innocents to St Bartholomew’s this morning.  Sister will join us for our whole-school assembly, at which she’ll be presented with a selection of baby items for her work with local young mothers.  Many thanks to Mrs O’Neill and the Prayer Group for organising the collection of donations.

I heard both the P1-3’s and the P4-7’s practising their Christmas songs yesterday. They’re sounding fantastic!  Make sure you have Friday 6th December (P4-7 Carol Concert) and Tuesday 10th December (P1-3 Nativity, ‘It’s a Baby!’) in your diary!

Well, I wonder who will be coming for ‘Tea with Mr Young’ today?!!  Log onto the website later today to find out our seven Pupils of the Week.

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