Thursday 21st November 2013

We’re now just over a week away from our St Andrew’s Day concert. As mentioned in the November newsletter, our whole school community will celebrate the feast day of our national patron a week tomorrow, Friday 29th November. The day will begin with Mass in St Bartholomew’s Church at 10am; parents and carers are welcome to join us. All pupils are asked to wear a ‘touch of tartan’ on the day and there will be haggis, neeps and tatties on the menu for lunch. In the afternoon, all parents, carers and friends are invited to a special St Andrew’s Day concert at 1.30pm when each class will perform a Scottish poem or song. We even have a piper to kick-off the proceedings! It’s definitely a date worth putting in your diary!

Please remember to return permission slips for the special P4-7 choir being formed for the St Bartholomew’s Church Jubilee Mass. Rehearsals will begin next week.