Tuesday 19th November 2013

Good morning, everyone. Hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed your long lie yesterday morning.

The Tae Kwan Do taster sessions were a huge hit with the children on Friday. The boys and girls were transfixed as the coaches performed a slick demonstration along to music. The children then had the opportunity to try out some simple moves for themselves and the instructors were extremely impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and effort. I actually got a bit of surprise when the instructors turned up at 9am as four of them were former pupils from my previous school. It was great to see them doing so well in their chosen sport – hopefully we’ll see lots of St Bartholomew’s pupils follow in their footsteps.

A letter about the special choir for the St Bartholomew’s Jubilee Mass on Thursday 12th December will go out to interested P4-7 pupils today. I would encourage as many pupils as possible to get involved in this special event.

The school newsletter will also go out tomorrow. A text will be sent to all parents and carers once the newsletter has been posted in the ‘News’ section of our website and a paper copy will be sent to those who have requested one. The newsletter contains details about our various Christmas events, so please take the opportunity to read it. Thank you.

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