Friday 15th November 2013

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, all P1-7 pupils will have a special Tae Kwan Do taster session today. The boys and girls are definitely set for a fun day!

Due to the hall being used today, this week’s assembly took place yesterday morning. Please take a moment to click on ‘Success’ (at the bottom of the website homepage) to find out this week’s trophy winners and Pupils of the Week. As usual, the seven Pupils of the Week popped along to my office yesterday afternoon for ‘Tea with Mr Young’. It was a really nice opportunity to have a blether over a cup of tea (or juice!) and a biscuit. I’ll not give the class away (click on ‘Success’ to find out!), but this week’s Cool Class are four-time winners, which earns them an extra playtime today. Well done, boys and girls!

Please remember that this coming Monday is an inservice day, so the boys and girls have a long weekend to look forward to. St Bart’s reopens to pupils at 9.00am on Tuesday morning.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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