Wednesday 13th November 2013

There’s hardly a week goes by without a visitor to St. Bartholomew’s commenting on the fantastic whole-school photograph that hangs in the main entrance area. I have the same photo above my office desk and it never fails to give me a huge boost when I look at all those smiling, enthusiastic boys and girls in their smart white shirts and ties! Of course, the P7’s in the photograph are now at St Ambrose, and the rest of the boys and girls have also moved up a class… It must be time for a new 2013/2014 photograph! John Wilson, our school photographer, will be back in St Bartholomew’s during the morning of Wednesday 4th December to take a brand new whole-school photograph. I want to give parents and carers plenty notice of the date so that you can avoid making any appointments for your child on that day. We definitely don’t want any pupil being missed out from our new team photograph!

I’m at a meeting in Glasgow all day today. Mrs McIntyre and Mrs Bolland will be in charge during my absence and will be able to deal with any urgent issues. However, please can I ask that parents and carers hold-off on any non-urgent matters until I return to school tomorrow morning. Thanks for your help.