Tuesday 5th November 2013

I had a very interesting and worthwhile day in Edinburgh yesterday. However, it’s good to be back in St Bartholomew’s and I’m looking forward to catching up with the boys and girls this morning.

As outlined in the letter that was sent out to parents and carers last week, St Bartholomew’s is aiming to significantly reduce the amount of photocopying it does. This will literally save the school hundreds of pounds every year which can then be invested in resources for the children. A major part of our plan to reduce photocopying is to encourage as many parents and carers as possible to access newsletters via the school website rather than being sent out a paper copy. This new system will be put in place within the next week, so please can I ask that all parents and carers return the form that was included in last week’s letter no later than this Thursday (7th). Thank you.

Somewhere at the back of my mind was an old Tommy Cooper joke about firework night. I managed to track it down on the internet. Hope it raises a smile!

One cold 5th November evening, a local policeman finished his shift and went home to his wife. “You just won’t believe what happened this evening, darling. In all my years on the force I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“Oh yes, dear, what happened?”
“I came across two guys down by the canal. One of them was eating batteries and the other was eating fireworks.”
“Eating batteries and eating fireworks?!!” answered his wife. “What on earth did you do with them?”
“Oh that was easy: I charged one and let the other one off!”