Thursday 31st October 2013

We have three separate Halloween events in St Bartholomew’s today. The morning nursery children have their Halloween Parade at 11.00am in the Music Room and the afternoon children at 2.30pm. I look forward to seeing nursery parents during the course of the day (please enter via the main entrance). The P1-7’s have their own Halloween Parade at 1.30pm. Although not open to parents, the children will have the opportunity to show-off their costumes to the rest of the school and a small prize will be awarded for the best costume in each class. The children will then head off to their individual classrooms for some Halloween activities.

The weather is looking more promising for our short walk to St Bartholomew’s Church tomorrow morning for All Saints Day Mass. However, please ensure your child comes suitably dressed for whatever the weather might bring – the rain is never too far away at this time of year!