Wednesday 30th October 2013

A group of St Bartholomew’s pupils represented the school at a netball tournament yesterday. The children did extremely well and won most of their matches. Well done everyone – we’re so proud of you!

Many thanks to those parents and friends of the school who helped decorate the hall for Halloween last night. The hall’s looking fantastic and the decorations are sure to make Thursday’s Halloween parade and the discos on Friday all the more atmospheric. Thanks again for your help, everyone.

I’ll be teaching Primary 7 today and am very much looking forward to working with the boys and girls. Although I will be in the building for the full day, please would parents and carers bear in mind that I will unable to take phonecalls until after the children go home at 3 o’clock. Thank you.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
(Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

Tuesday 29th October 2013

The Parent Council meets today at 6pm. However, there’ll be no sitting round a table this evening – it will be all hands on deck to get the hall decorated for Halloween. Many thanks to everyone for giving of your time to get the hall looking SPOOKTACULAR for the children’s Halloween events!

As mentioned on the leaflet that went home last week, the boys and girls are invited to wear their Halloween costume on Thursday afternoon. They can either pop home to get changed at lunchtime or get ready once they’re back in class at 1pm. We’ll then have a short Halloween parade to showcase all the costumes, with a small prize for the best costume in each class. The children will then head off to their own individual classrooms for some Halloween activities.

The Halloween discos are this Friday evening. The P1-3 disco runs from 6.00-7.00pm and the P4-7 disco from 7.15-8.15pm. Tickets are available from the office, priced £1.50.

Friday is All Saints Day and our whole school community will be attending the 10.00am Mass at St Bartholomew’s Church. Light rain is forecast, so please ensure that your child has a suitable jacket for the 15 minute walk to church.

Finally, our first ‘Tea with Mr Young’ was an absolute pleasure yesterday afternoon. All seven children who were awarded a Pupil of the Week certificate last week popped along to my office for tea/juice, a biscuit and a blether. It was great to reward and give quality time to these seven children who worked so hard in class last week. I wonder who will be coming to tea this Friday??!!