Monday 28th October 2013

It was wonderful to see such a great turnout at Primary 4/3’s class assembly on Friday afternoon. The boys and girls gave a very thought-provoking presentation on our local community of Townhead and also entertained us with two cheery songs. Well done, boys and girls, and thank you Mrs O’Neill for preparing the children!

I know from speaking to parents, carers, family and friends that a big highlight of the afternoon was the opportunity to spend a bit of time in the P4/3 classroom, including the treat of sampling some of the children’s home baking! It really was a great atmosphere on Friday afternoon – many thanks again for supporting the children.

This afternoon sees our first ‘Tea with Mr Young’. The seven pupils who received a Pupil of the Week certificate at Friday’s assembly have been invited to join me in my office at 2.30pm for juice and a biscuit (or a cup of tea!) as an extra reward for their super effort in class last week. See you at 2.30, boys and girls!

Please remember that tickets for Friday’s Halloween discos are now on sale, priced £1.50.

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