Friday 25th October 2013

Primary 4/3 have their class assembly at 1.30pm this afternoon. The boys and girls have been busy preparing and rehearsing a presentation on their local community to share with their parents and carers. After the assembly, the children’s guests will have the opportunity to visit their classroom where they’ll be served tea or coffee along with a special homemade treat! These tasty nibbles wouldn’t have materialised without Mrs Laird, one of our P7 parents, giving so generously of her time on Wednesday. She worked with small groups of P4/3 pupils to bake mini quiches and iced cupcakes for this afternoon’s special event. Thank you Mrs Laird and well done boys and girls. I can’t wait to taste them!

A group of P4-7 pupils completed a Personalisation & Choice module on Crime Solving yesterday. They spent four sessions investigating the shocking crime of who stole the Cool Class Cup! Finger prints were dusted, descriptions taken, footprints studied and fibres analysed. The boys and girls looked closely at all the evidence yesterday afternoon and successfully solved the crime: the thief who stole the Cool Class Cup was…. MR YOUNG! Caught red handed! I just hope the police don’t turn up before I help P4/3 with their assembly at half-past one!