Tuesday 22nd October 2013

I’m delighted to announce that the installation of the new boiler is complete and our heating system is now fully functional… just in time for the winter!

Many congratulations to two former St Bartholomew’s pupils who received MBE’s from Prince William last week. Alice Docherty (Heather (P6) and Aidan’s (P3) great-aunt) received her award for services to the homeless and our good friend, Mark Millar, received his MBE on Tuesday. Congratulations, Alice and Mark!

It was fantastic to see the children back for the new term yesterday looking so smart in their uniforms. What a great start to the term! We have a new addition to the St Bartholomew’s team who, just like the boys and girls, turned up yesterday in his school uniform. His name’s Bart and he has been given the very important job of welcoming all our visitors when they arrive at the main entrance. He’s quite shy, but please do take the opportunity to say hello next time you visit the school. A special thanks to my mum and dad who rescued Bart from a shop in Scarborough and drove him all the way to his new home in Scotland!