Thursday 10th October 2013

I’m very much looking forward to seeing parents and carers at Parents’ Evening later today. Consultations for Primary 1-7 pupils will take place in the hall and nursery meetings in the Music Room. All parents and carers should enter via the main school entrance.

To ensure the evening runs smoothly, P1-7 children who do not accompany their parent(s) into the teacher-parent meeting must remain in our ‘Cinema Area’ at all times. Pre-school children must remain with their parents. The Book Fayre will be open throughout the evening. However, children will not be permitted to visit this without an adult. Many thanks for your support with these practicalities.

The Parent Council have a short questionnaire they’d like you to complete this evening. However, you won’t need to rummage around in your handbag or pocket for a pen – the questionnaire can be accessed on one of our iPads and completing it couldn’t be more simple! Thanks in advance for your valuable feedback.

Finally, a night in St Bart’s just wouldn’t be the same without a wee raffle! Proceeds will go towards the P7 excursion to York in June.

See you this evening!