Tuesday 8th October 2013

The vast majority of St Bartholomew’s pupils come to school each day in full school uniform and many visitors comment on how smart the boys and girls look in their white shirts and ties. However, I have noticed over the past few weeks that variations on our school uniform have started to creep in, so I thought it would be worth tackling this in today’s blog. A letter will also be sent out before the end of term.

Please can I remind parents and carers of the permitted school uniform (as outlined in the school handbook and on our website):

– White shirt & school tie
– St Bartholomew’s jumper/cardigan or shop-bought black school jumper/cardigan (no hoodies, please)
– Black/grey school trousers or skirt (no tracksuits or joggies, please)
– Blazer (optional)
– Sensible footwear (preferably school shoes or dark-coloured trainers)
– Girls may wear a school pinafore or summer dress.

The topic of school uniform forms part of our Promoting Positive Behaviour policy (this can be found in the Information section of our website) and the following quotation outlines the approach I will take from the beginning of next term:

‘School uniform is seen as holding a key role in maintaining high standards of behaviour and discipline in St Bartholomew’s. The Head Teacher, with the support of Class Teachers, will monitor the wearing of school uniform and parents/carers will be informed if their child is consistently failing to come to school appropriately dressed.’ (page 4)

Many thanks for your support in ensuring that the highest standards of school uniform are maintained in St Bartholomew’s. We only need to take a look at the whole-school photograph in the school foyer to see what a huge difference it makes!


Monday 7th October 2013

It’s hard to believe that we are now into the last week of term. It’s been a busy few months and the children have made a really great start to the year. Parents and carers will have the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher on Thursday evening. I look forward to seeing you there.

Today is the first day of our Book Fayre. A wide selection of books for all ages will be on sale in the main entrance area between now and Friday. The children will have the opportunity to visit the Book Fayre at various points during the course of the week and it will also be open during Parents’ Evening this coming Thursday.

Finally, today is the Feast of the Holy Rosary. I’d like to invite parents, pupils, staff and friends to take a few moments today to pray a decade of the rosary for the needs of St Bartholomew’s Primary. We have a great team here at St Bart’s, but we are always in need of God’s grace and strength.

‘Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart.’ (Philippians 4: 6)