Wednesday 2nd October 2013

We had a great time on our sponsored walk around Drumpellier Park yesterday. There was beautiful sunshine throughout the afternoon and it was lovely getting the chance to breathe in the fresh air and chat to our friends as we walked. The Primary 1’s did exceptionally well on their own special route.

Well done on completing the challenge so cheerfully, boys and girls, and many thanks to those parents and carers who helped supervise the children en route; we couldn’t have done it without you. I should also say a special thank you to the lorry drivers who encouraged us with a few blasts of the horn as they passed by and to the police for getting us across the main road safely.

As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, please can I ask that all money raised is handed into the school office by Friday. This will allow us to get everything counted and banked before the October holidays. Thank you. Of course, even though the sponsored walk has taken place, it’s not too late to ask family, friends and neighbours for a donation. Every penny counts and will go directly towards trips and resources for the children.

Finally, a special well done to Leon in Primary 2. He was stung on the finger by a bee during our sponsored walk but was a very brave boy indeed!

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