Tuesday 1st October 2013

Welcome back, everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing September weekend.

It looks like we’ve been blessed with perfect weather for our sponsored walk: not too cold, and plenty of sunshine to enjoy during our brisk walk around Drumpellier Park. Please can I ask, if at all possible, that all sponsor money is into the school office by this coming Friday. Thank you.

Many thanks to those parents, family and friends of our Primary 1 pupils who were able to attend last Thursday’s Prayer Service. I’m sure you’ll agree that the boys and girls led us beautifully in the prayers and songs. As mentioned in this month’s newsletter, the P1 prayer service was the first of this session’s class assemblies. The next one will be led by P4/3 and will take place on the first Friday afternoon after the October break. Invitations will be sent out from pupils to their chosen guests in due course.

Have a good day, everyone. If you see us on our walk this afternoon, please encourage us with a beep of the horn and a wave!

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