Thursday 26th September 2013

There’s going to be one very excited St Bart’s pupil by the end of today. We have a special Pirate theme in the dining hall at lunchtime and everyone who stays for a school dinner and submits a pirate-themed picture, poem or story will be entered into a prize draw for a fantastic skateboard! Good luck everyone!

We’ll be welcoming parents, family and friends of our Primary 1 pupils for a special prayer service this afternoon to mark their first term in primary school. The boys and girls will lead us in some of the prayers they have been learning and will also sing two songs to thank God for looking after them during their first few weeks in Primary 1. Father Doherty will give the children a blessing at the end of the prayer service. The service will begin at 2.15pm in the music room (please enter the school through the main entrance) and tea and biscuits will be served afterwards. I look forward to seeing you there.

Please remember that our sponsored walk will take place (weather permitting) on Tuesday afternoon. Many thanks to those parents and carers who have volunteered to help with supervision. Let’s hope for good weather, but please ensure that your child comes equipped with sensible shoes for walking and a warm, waterproof jacket. Thank you.

Finally, don’t forget that St Bartholomew’s is closed tomorrow and Monday for the September weekend. Have a relaxing break and see you on Tuesday!