Tuesday 24th September 2013

Primary 6 and 7 had a fantastic excursion to the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh yesterday. I’m looking forward to hearing about some of the things the boys and girls learned during this morning’s assembly.

A special blue bag has been sent home with your child for the annual ‘Bag2School’ collection of old clothes. Bags can be returned to the school at any point between now and 9am on Wednesday 2nd October. Log onto www.bag2school.com for further information.

A date has now been set for this year’s Confirmations. The Sacrament will be celebrated with Primary 6 and 7 pupils on THURSDAY 20th FEBRUARY 2014 in St Bartholomew’s Church.

Finally, please note a slight change to the date of our annual sponsored walk. This will now take place (weather permitting!) a week today, Tuesday 1st October. All funds raised will go directly to school trips and resources for pupils across the school.

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