Monday 23rd September 2013

Good morning, everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend.

Visitors to St Bartholomew’s never fail to comment on the fantastic wall displays that give the entrance area to our school such a welcoming feel. Every class, including the nursery, has a board in this area and this allows visitors to gain an instant snapshot of some of the super work going on across our school community. The current wall displays are particularly special as they contain a photograph of every single child in the school. It’s a real treat at the moment to have so many happy, enthusiastic faces smiling out at you when you walk through the school! Please take the opportunity to browse the wall displays next time you visit St Bart’s… your child’s photo will be in there somewhere!

Primary 6 and 7 are off to Edinburgh today to visit the Scottish Parliament. They’ve been learning about our Scottish political system in class this term, so today’s trip to the capital will be very worthwhile indeed. Have a great day, boys and girls. Best behaviour and manners, please!

Finally, a wee reminder that this is a four day week: St Bartholomew’s will be closed this Friday and next Monday for the September weekend.

Have a good day!