Friday 20th September 2013

Our Personalisation & Choice modules started yesterday and it was a jam-packed afternoon of exciting activities from one end of the school to the other. We had jewellery making, clay work, music and drama. The delicious smell of scones was wafting from the Get Together Room while another group of children were keeping fit in the Music Room. Some pupils were busy in the ICT suite working on our school website, Mr Lynch was coaching our budding footballers in the hall and there was even a group of children in white coats investigating a shocking crime: who stole the Cool Class Cup?!! A fantastic time was had by all, both pupils and teachers, and a few of the boys and girls told me at the end of the day that they can’t wait until next week! Thank you to all the staff for taking the time to prepare such a variety of fun activities and well done to all the boys and girls for taking part so enthusiastically!

Despite the dreadful weather, P4/3 brought a ray of sunshine to the residents of Blair House yesterday morning. You can read about their visit on their class page (click on the ‘Learning’ pencil). Thank you for being such great ambassadors for St Bartholomew’s, boys and girls.

BUILDING UPDATE: The new blinds will be fitted in P1, the nursery and the ICT suite today. We still have temporary heaters in classrooms and working areas – I will continue to keep you informed about progress with the new heating system as information is released to me from the contractors. Finally, a particularly welcome piece of news on the refurbishment of the school building: contractors are making preparations to refurbish the boys’ and girls’ toilets outside Primary 4 and 5 in the very near future. These will be used as a ‘trial run’ before rolling out the refurbishment to the remaining toilets in the school. I’m sure you are as delighted as I am at the huge investment North Lanarkshire Council is making in our school building.

Have a good day, everyone, and a relaxing weekend once it arrives.

One thought on “Friday 20th September 2013”

  1. It will be lovely when it is all finished. Such an old building!! Long overdue these improvements that the council are finally making. At least my son n friends haven’t been cold in class, thanks to the temp heaters. Although he DID try to say he was cold the other day. Methinks it was a ploy to get a wee fly day off. Naughty boy!! Keep up the good work Mr Young, ur blogs prove ur commitment to our school, our kids and our community. Bravo!!

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