Friday 6th September 2013

Good morning, everyone. I was delighted to hear from Mrs MacIntyre and Mrs Bolland that it was a terrific Thursday in St Bartholomew’s yesterday. Well done, boys and girls!

I’ve had a very interesting and enjoyable time away at the Catholic Head Teachers’ conference. The highlight for me was yesterday’s inspirational speech on Catholic schools by Maureen McKenna, Director of Education for Glasgow City Council. It has also been good to meet so many other Head Teachers from across Scotland… several of whom are readers of this blog!

I noticed on their class page that Primary 1 have created some beautiful sparkly sea horses as part of this week’s art work. They’re going to look absolutely fantastic on the wall! Click on the ‘learning’ pencil on the website homepage to have a look for yourself.

Up the school in Primary 4/3, the boys and girls have been busy on our new computers learning how to import photographs onto a document. I’m very impressed!

I’m looking forward to popping onto the website at 3 o’clock today to see our Pupils of the Week… I wonder which names will be there! I’m equally excited about who’s going to win the House trophy and Cool Class Cup.

Have another great day, everyone. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday morning.