Thursday 5th September 2013

Good morning! It’s 6.40am and I am already en route to St Andrew’s for the annual Catholic Head Teachers’ conference. I’m a little bleary-eyed, but very much looking forward to what should hopefully be an enjoyable and productive two days. Mrs MacIntyre and Mrs Bolland are holding the fort in my absence and will be able to deal with any urgent issues or queries.

Boys and girls: I’ll be telephoning the school several times today to check up on you. I want good reports! Best behaviour, best work, best manners, please! Tomorrow’s Friday, so there’s still time to earn a Pupil of the Week certificate or win the House trophy… and remember that the Cool Class Cup is up for grabs right up to the end of the day tomorrow! So, do your very best today and make sure I have a smile on my face when I phone the school later on. Oh, and did I mention the hidden cameras I got fitted in St Bartholomew’s last week?!!!

Have a good day, everyone!

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