Thursday 29th August 2013

Good morning, everyone. I’m at a Head Teachers’ meeting today, but Mrs McIntyre and Mrs Bolland will be on hand to keep St Bart’s ticking over smoothly.

A letter will be sent out to parents and carers today. However, I thought it would be a good idea to post the information on the blog as well:

Every day in St Bartholomew’s, we notice a change in the behaviour and attention span of many of our children after morning interval and lunch. At the same time, we have noticed an increase in the number of pupils bringing fizzy drinks and energy drinks for their snack and lunch.

Time and time again, research suggests that high sugar intake and artificial additives (both of which are found in fizzy drinks and energy drinks) have a negative effect on children’s behaviour and their ability to concentrate. The high caffeine content of energy drinks can have particularly serious side effects on children.

All of us – parents, carers and staff – want our pupils to reach their full potential and get the maximum benefit from the time they spend in school. Therefore, as of Monday 2nd September, energy drinks will not be permitted in St Bartholomew’s under any circumstances. Please can I also ask all parents and carers to give serious consideration to the other sorts of drinks their child brings to school for their snack and lunch. In line with North Lanarkshire policy, pupils are only permitted to drink plain water during class time. Many thanks for your support.

Summerlee: Amy Leigh McLaughlin
Lochend: Morgan Wilson
Drumpellier: Ethan Goldsmith
Monklands: David Brown

Have a great day!