Monday 26th August 2013

I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the burst of summer sunshine.

Primary 3 had a bit of trouble logging onto their own blog page on Friday, so I promised I’d post it on my own blog this morning:

‘Welcome to Primary 3’s page!

We have had a good first week and are beginning to settle into our new session. Most of our week was spent finding out about our patron, St. Bartholomew, and we completed the week by going to mass to celebrate his coming feast day.

Annie Hamilton carried out some home research on St.Bartholomew. She writes;

“St. Bartholomew got skinned alive that is why he is always shown with a knife in his hand. St. Bartholomew was one of the Twelve Aspotles of Jesus and is usually identified with Nathaniel who is mentioned in John 1. He was introduced to Christ through Philip, another of the twelve apostles.”

This term’s theme is The Egyptians so if you see a lot of children walking in a strange manner don’t worry – they are just walking like Egyptians!

Thank you, Primary 3, for your entry.

Have a good day, everyone!