Thursday 22nd August 2013

The forecast is not particularly summer-like for tomorrow, so there will be no picnic to mark St Bartholomew’s Day. However, we will attend Mass at St Bartholomew’s Church as a whole school community at 10.00am. All family and friends are invited to join us.

The School Improvement Report for the 2012/13 session was sent home to each family yesterday and is also available on our website in the ‘Information’ section. The report highlights the excellent progress the school made last session and celebrates the good work which goes on each and every day in St Bartholomew’s. Of course, the positive report is entirely down to our enthusiastic, hard-working pupils, our fantastic team of dedicated and talented staff, and the ongoing support of parents, carers, parishioners and friends. Thank you to everyone, once again, for making last session such a success. This term’s off to a great start and I’m sure it’s going to be another fantastic year in St Bart’s!

Please remember that you are able to leave comments on our blog page. It’s always good to hear from parents, carers and friends!